Presidential Decree No. UP-6185 dated March 11, 2021 approved the Regulation on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which provides for:
an updated procedure for receiving and considering documents on issues of citizenship of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - citizenship) and making decisions on them;
issues of accepting a person into citizenship in a general, simplified (for compatriots) and exclusive (at the initiative of the President) procedure;
procedures for recognizing citizenship in relation to a stateless person;
the procedure and terms for consideration of documents on citizenship issues through the interdepartmental database "E-Fuqaro";
grounds for rejection of petitions and applications on citizenship issues.
More details: https://www.norma.uz/novoe_v_zakonodatelstve/poluchenie_grajdanstva_uzbekistana_novye_pravila