Citizen Participation in Budget Formation: Uzbekistan’s Experience
2024-10-15 421Uzbekistan is actively modernizing its financial, banking and tax sectors. Currently, special attention is paid to improving the efficiency of budget revenues and expenditures management, which is a key task within the framework of the current reforms of the budget and tax policy. This process is conditioned by the need to adapt the economy to the conditions of liberalization and deepening economic reforms, which require continuous development and improvement of the budget and tax system of the country.
A new direction in medicine has been launched in Uzbekistan - the use of robotic surgeons
2024-10-14 528Uzbekistan is undergoing a significant modernization of its healthcare system to ensure comprehensive access to quality medical services for the population. Over the past seven years, funding for healthcare has increased from 5.9 trillion soums to 33.5 trillion soums, a sixfold increase. Medical facilities are being equipped with modern equipment, and new ones are being constructed. To bring medical services closer to the population, screening examinations are being organized in local areas.
2024-10-14 429Uzbekistan has created a solid legal framework to ensure freedom of speech and information, as well as the development of the media, improvement of the legal basis for the activities and protection of the professional rights of journalists. Considering that the liberalization of the information sphere and its development are priority tasks in the construction of the New Uzbekistan, after the constitutional reform, the articles devoted to these rights were significantly expanded. Thus, Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan notes that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, speech and belief. Everyone has the right to seek, receive and disseminate any information. The state creates conditions for ensuring access to the global information network Internet. Restrictions on the right to search for, receive and disseminate information are allowed only in accordance with the law and only to the extent necessary to protect the constitutional order, public health, public morality, the rights and freedoms of others, ensure public safety and public order, and prevent the disclosure of state secrets or other secrets protected by law.
New Uzbekistan: Human Rights and Parliamentary Elections
2024-10-08 534The modern economic and democratic systems are designed to uphold the rights and freedoms of every individual. As is widely acknowledged, there is no universal model for democratic development; it must evolve based on each country's unique conditions and the needs of its people, avoiding rigid formulas.
The state and civil society in New Uzbekistan are consolidating efforts to combat corruption
2024-09-30 501Over the years of independence, the role of civil society in Uzbekistan has become increasingly important. The representatives of civil society are not only involved, but also actively take the initiative in the life of society and the state. This role has manifested itself more and more clearly in the fight against corruption. There is no doubt that corruption and society are incompatible. The prerequisite for a prosperous society is a life free of corruption. And all the necessary foundations must be laid for this, which is primarily the task of the state.
Openness and fairness are the main drivers of change in New Uzbekistan
2024-09-12 941The reforms and changes implemented in Uzbekistan in recent years define a new path for the country's development. In this process, openness and fairness are among the main factors. Ensuring transparency in public administration and society, creating opportunities for free access to information and taking into account the opinions of citizens is evidence of the existence of openness.
Uzbekistan on the path to developing a strong social policy
2024-08-28 932In alignment with the dynamic pace of socio-economic reforms being implemented in our country, special attention is being paid to the effective administration of social protection policies. For the first time, the updated Constitution has declared Uzbekistan a "social state." Over recent years, the scale of social assistance provided to the population has increased fivefold, extending support to more than 2 million families through these social protection programs.
The problem of poverty cannot be solved by social assistance alone
2024-08-27 881An important feature of modern Uzbekistan can be seen in the fact that raising human dignity and honor is the main issue. For this, it is necessary to use important tools and methods, among which neighborhood institutions have a special place.
Uzbekistan is on the way to fully implementing its commitments under the Sustainable Development Goals
2024-08-27 895Uzbekistan has created a strong foundation for the timely and high-quality achievement of its national goals and objectives for sustainable development by 2030. This confidence is explained by the balance and interdependence of the Development Strategy "Uzbekistan 2030" with the implementation of the goals and objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The construction sector as a driver of economic development in Uzbekistan
2024-08-27 1094Statistics indicate that the volume of construction work in Uzbekistan in the first half of the current year has increased by more than 10% compared to 2023, reaching almost 80 trillion UZS (as of 08/26/2024 $1 = 12,593.42 UZS). The sector's contribution to the gross domestic product exceeds 6%, showing that the scope of construction activities in our country is expanding year by year, and the architecture and construction sector is becoming one of the rapidly developing branches of the economy.